Publications by Mojtaba Faramarzi
- Master's Student: Jan 2020 - Dec 2020
Master's thesis
PatchUp: A Feature-Space Block-Level Regularization Technique for Convolutional Neural Networks
by Mojtaba Faramarzi, with Sarath Chandar as supervisor.
Université de Montréal ⸺ October 2021.
Conference and Journal Papers
On the Costs and Benefits of Adopting Lifelong Learning for Software Analytics - Empirical Study on Brown Build and Risk Prediction
Doriane Olewicki, Sarra Habchi, Mathieu Nayrolles, Mojtaba Faramarzi, Sarath Chandar, and Bram Adams
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) - Software Engineering in Practice Track, 2024. [ICSE24 SEIP Distinguished Paper Award.]
PatchUp: A Feature-Space Block-Level Regularization Technique for Convolutional Neural Networks
Mojtaba Faramarzi, Mohammad Amini, Akilesh Badrinaaraayanan, Vikas Verma, and Sarath Chandar
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022.
[aaai], [arXiv], [code]
IIRC: Incremental Implicitly-Refined Classification
Mohamed Abdelsalam, Mojtaba Faramarzi, Shagun Sodhani, and Sarath Chandar
IEEE CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
[paper], [arXiv], [code], [website], [PyPI], [docs]