Tentative Class Schedule

All the lecture scribbles can be found here.

Lec Date Instructor Topic Mandatory Readings Optional Readings
1 26 Aug 2024 Sarath Chandar Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Sequential Decision Problems Logistics and Intro Slides, Sutton and Barto Chapter 01, Reward is Enough, Scalar Reward is Not Enough, Faulty Reward Functions Computing Machinery and Intelligence by Alan Turing,
Probability Review,
Linear Algebra Review
2 09 Sep 2024 Sarath Chandar Immediate Reinforcement Learning and Multi-armed Bandits Sutton and Barto Chapter 02, Proof of UCB1’s regret bound by Ann He and Jeremy Kun 3 lectures on UCB1 by Prof. Balaraman Ravindran: UCB1, Concentration Bounds, UCB Regret Bound
3 16 Sep 2024 Nishanth Anand Markov Decision Process Sutton and Barto Chapter 03  
4 23 Sep 2024 Nishanth Anand Dynamic Programming, Monte-Carlo Methods Sutton and Barto Chapter 04 and Chapter 05  
5 01 Oct 2024 Nishanth Anand Monte-Carlo Methods, Temporal Difference (TD) Learning - I Sutton and Barto Chapter 05 and Chapter 06  
6 07 Oct 2024 Nishanth Anand Temporal Difference (TD) Learning - II Sutton and Barto Chapter 06 and Chapter 07  
7 21 Oct 2024 Sarath Chandar Function Approximation - I Sutton and Barto Chapter 09, Chapter 10, and Chapter 11  
  25 Oct 2024   Mid-Term Exam [12:45 pm to 2:15 pm] Last year Mid-Term Questions  
8 28 Oct 2024 Sarath Chandar Function Approximation - II    
9 04 Nov 2024 Sarath Chandar Policy Gradients    
10 11 Nov 2024 Sarath Chandar Natural Policy Gradients    
11 18 Nov 2024 Sarath Chandar Determistic Policy Gradients    
12 25 Nov 2024 Sarath Chandar Model-based RL    
13 02 Dec 2024 Sarath Chandar Frontiers in RL    
  05 Dec 2024   Final Exam [1:30 pm to 4 pm]    


Lec Date Time Topic Lecture Videos Lecture Materials
1 30 Aug 2024   No lab. Use the lab time for reading.    
2 06 Sep 2024   No lab. Use the lab time for reading.    
3 13 Sep 2024 12:45 pm - 3:45 pm Online Office Hours by Ali Rahimi-Kalahroudi (link in Piazza)    
4 20 Sep 2024 12:45 pm - 3:45 pm Online Office Hours by Ali Rahimi-Kalahroudi (link in Piazza)    
5 27 Sep 2024 12:45 pm - 3:45 pm Online Office Hours by Esther Derman (link in Piazza)    
6 04 Oct 2024   No lab. Use the lab time for doing the assignment.    
  07 Oct 2024 4:00 pm - 7:15 pm Online Office Hours by Esther Derman (link in Piazza)    
7 11 Oct 2024 1 pm to 2:30 pm Jax Tutorial by Artem Zholus (in person) Recording Colab Notebook
  11 Oct 2024 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm Online Office Hours by Esther Derman (link in Piazza)    
  16 Oct 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Online Office Hours by Esther Derman (link in Piazza)    
  16 Oct 2024 10:00 am to 11:00 am Online Office Hours by Sarath Chandar and Nishanth Anand (link in Piazza)    
  21 Oct 2024 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm Online Office Hours by Esther Derman (link in Piazza)    
8 25 Oct 2024 12:45 pm to 2:15 pm Mid-term Exam    
9 01 Nov 2024        
10 08 Nov 2024        
11 15 Nov 2024        
12 22 Nov 2024        
13 29 Nov 2024